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What I’ve learned from La La Land by Damien Chazelle

This week I’ve been invited to watch La La Land with Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone. From what I had seen of the movie trailer, I didn’t expect much. Maybe I was a little bit curious because of all the good critics I'd heard, but nothing more… Those who know me know I enjoy watching movies beyond the entertainment part, and I usually let God speak to my heart as if I was reading the Bible. I go beyond trying to understand and analyze the message of the film-maker. Thus, here is what I’ve learned from La La Land.


On one side, we have Mia (Emma Stone), an aspiring actress trying to find “HER” way in La La Land and hopes to have a great international career as an actress…but for now, she’s just a waitress at a coffee shop while auditioning here and there to find that great role which will change her life. On the other side, Sebastian (Ryan Gosling), a pianist, is deeply convinced of his “mission” to “save” jazz music. So convinced that he could easily be considered, in our society, a pure musician freak who wouldn’t sell his soul for the sake of “making a living”. So this is the story of two artists, two souls full of dreams who will eventually cross each other on the path of life.

While watching and listening to Mia’s words, at some point, something suddenly caught my ears “I want to find my way”. These words resonated in my heart profoundly like they were mine… And right after, I heard Jesus’ voice “I am the Way” (John 14:6). I knew this words, I heard them, read them, meditated them so many times but now they felt NEW. It was as if I was hearing them for the first time and I was suddenly understanding something else: search no more. He is the one I’m looking for, longing for, “the way" I’m searching for: it’s Him. That’s it. Punto y aparte.

I wish I could tell you it blew my mind and I was filled with an indescribable light, but not at all. Instead, I just received it, in peace, simply as a conviction, and knew that God was talking to me, at that specific moment, while I was watching the movie La La land.

Love is just a matter of emotion

Eventually, Sebastian and Mia fall in love and we see their feelings grow as they get to know each other. Through music, the movie perfectly pictures the rollercoaster of love's high emotions. Everything is so beautiful, so “perfect”, it’s almost “too much”.

…or maybe not

The good thing is, Mia and Sebastian are also mature. Each one respect the other who is trying to fulfill his/her own dreams and aspirations. They never try to change the other and seem to be the motivator of one another to fulfill their dreams, continue to fight through struggles and believe in themselves. There is definitely something about true love here. Love is about willing the good of the other. It is about speaking the truth when it’s necessary, making sacrifices for the good of the other… It’s about giving with the only reward of seeing the happiness of the beloved one.

Seasons of life and seasons of love don’t always “match”

Another thing struck me: Mia and Sebastian’s time of meeting. It isn’t when they are well settled professionally or dream about settling, it just happens in the mess of their “trying to become someone” life. It isn’t even “a match made in heaven”. I think that’s what make their story so special. In our society, we somehow are pressured to settle quickly once we finish school and when it still doesn't happen after a few years, we’re considered “weird” or “too complicated” (maybe I’m just talking for myself here ^^)… At some point, I could identify myself to Sebastian’s character. I am- like himself- pretty idealistic and for now, love life is not really my priority: I want to find “my own way” like Mia before considering welcoming my significant other into my life. However, as I’m trying to get closer to Christ, I’m becoming aware of my tendency of wanting over control everything and not letting space for the unexpected that would jeopardize my plan. La La Land shows in a beautiful way that love is not supposed to be an obstacle to having career or professional goals, but a wonderful catalyzer. Therefore, this movie was a fresh reminder that I should trust Him more and be more open to welcome His “surprises” for me, especially when it comes to love.

Seasons of life and seasons of love might not always “match”, but God’s timing is perfect.

I still don’t know exactly what path the Lord wants me to take, but I know He’s there for me, I can trust Him, He is the Way.

Happy Ending?

You Decide! ;)

Enjoy the movie!


My opinion: Do you like musicals? You definitely have to if you want to enjoy this movie! From the beginning to the very end you will be bombarded of jazz classical music for the joy of the heart and the ears. :-) Without considering music, this is a bright and light tribute to musical comedy, with a good sense of humor.


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