Thank you Brother Anthony Freeman, L.C.
As we are celebrating the greatest event this world has ever heard and seen – the Resurrection of Christ our Lord – I read these shocking news last Tuesday on Instagram: Br. Anthony Freeman, L.C., a seminarian, was found dead on Easter Monday. I had been following him for about a year through Instagram, and was always delighted to see and to read his posts about his adventure answering God’s call upon his life. Thus, this post is dedicated to him.
Who was he?

As far as I know, Br. Anthony was born in 1988 in Louisiana, USA, and was studying in Rome to become a Legionary priest (from the Legionaries of Christ). He was about to be ordained a deacon on July of this year. I didn’t know him personally. I never talked to him but his life and witness sure have had an impact on me. When I think about him, this quote from John Paul II comes to my mind: “We are an Easter people, and Hallelujah is our song”. Br. Anthony seemed to be singing “Hallelujah” everyday with such a free spirit! Of course, he might have had his hardships, like anyone else, but he chose to stand still, to keep faith in Christ and to faithfully proclaim the Gospel on Social Media, as much as he could. Lately, he was even promoting a book he had written for Millennial Catholics called “One Step Closer 40 Doses of Motivation, Hacks, and Experiences to share with Millennial Catholics”. If you would like to know more about him, I suggest you read his last interview, which I found on, or just go to visit his website or his Instagram account.
“Amen, amen, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit.” Jn 12, 24
“Ah Jesus! This Word of Yours makes so much sense when we are facing the death of our loved ones or of people we knew! We now see the life of Your little brother and apostle in a brand-new way. Thus, the grain of wheat died so it could produce much fruit, according to Your will. Thank You, Lord, for giving me the honor and privilege to witness a joyful and authentic life in You through Br. Anthony’s testimony. I pray that I may follow and serve You according to Your will, just like he did. Thank you, Lord, for all the people You have touched and for all the lives you have changed and will change using his life, good deeds and intercession. I am convinced that his life will bear a lot of fruits.”
“Do not cling to me, because I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to the brothers, and tell them: I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” Jn 20,17
Of course, my thoughts and prayers go to his family, siblings, co-seminarians and friends who must be very affected by his sudden death. I can’t imagine the pain, especially for his parents... May the Holy Ghost grant them the comfort and consolation they need in this difficult situation.
The fact that God called home Br. Anthony right after he had done an 8-day retreat and after Easter celebration, can speak to all of us believers. His life points us to the ultimate celebration, the core of our faith, the death and Resurrection of Christ our Savior. Br. Anthony Freeman, L.C. is now celebrating eternal Easter with his Father and our Father, his God and our God. Yes, there is a physical separation. We can’t see him anymore just as the disciples couldn’t see Jesus anymore after His Ascension. However, we are all turned towards the same God. Even if Br. Anthony went to the other side of the veil, we all remain united with him and with all saints in the mystical body of Christ.
Thank you Brother Anthony Freeman, L.C. for your inspiring life in Christ.